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      2. Aluminum alloy casting under low pressure
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        Xiangshan Chuangyi metal products Co., Ltd

        The contact:13906600566(Mr.CAI)


        The phone:0574-65631678



        The url:www.mojthem.com

        Address: No. 215, Dongzhao Road, Daxu Industrial Zone, Xiangshan, Ningbo

        Details of energy-saving aluminum alloy low-pressure casting for environmental protection bonus points

        2020-10-03 10:26:47

        If all products are energy saving and environmental protection products, [quotation score ×4%] will be given extra points according to their quotation score; if some products are energy saving and environmental protection products, [quotation score ×4%×(general report of energy saving and environmental protection products/response quotation)] will be given extra points. (The definition of energy saving and environmental protection products is based on the original energy saving product certification, China environmental standard gravity casting machine certification, as well as the government procurement list of new energy saving products and environmental label products published by the government, the same as below. (If all the products are energy saving and environmental protection products, additional points will be given according to their technical score ×4%); If some of the products are energy saving and environmental protection products, additional points will be given to [technical score ×4%×(general report of energy saving and environmental protection products/reply quotation]] according to their technical scores. 1) The technical part and service part of the price deduction of small and micro enterprises shall be scored by the members of the evaluation committee independently. The score shall be scored item by item according to the scoring rules stipulated in the competitive negotiation document. The product price of small and micro enterprises (including the consortium formed between them) shall be deducted 6%; The calculation method is: final price = response quotation ×94%, and the price score is calculated according to the final price. At the time of bid opening, the supplier must provide the original SME declaration letter and the original SME declaration letter of the manufacturer of the invested product, and be responsible for the authenticity of the declaration letter, otherwise the casting price will be deducted. 2) For the price part, the purchasing agency shall directly calculate the final price casting rating of each qualified supplier according to the scoring rules stipulated in the competitive negotiation documents.





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        contact:13906600566 (Mr.CAI)


        Address: No. 215, Dongzhao Road, Daxu Industrial Zone, Xiangshan, Ningbo

        Copyright ? http://www.mojthem.com/en/ Xiangshan Chuangyi metal products Co., Ltd Specializing inAluminum alloy casting mold, aluminum alloy gravity casting, aluminum alloy low pressure casting,Welcome to inquire!