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      2. Aluminum alloy casting under low pressure
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        Xiangshan Chuangyi metal products Co., Ltd

        The contact:13906600566(Mr.CAI)


        The phone:0574-65631678



        The url:www.mojthem.com

        Address: No. 215, Dongzhao Road, Daxu Industrial Zone, Xiangshan, Ningbo

        Analysis of political reasons for low pressure casting products of energy saving aluminum alloy

        2020-10-03 10:53:34

        Mandatory government procurement of energy saving products shall be determined according to the government procurement list of energy saving products published by the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission. 2. The product model, the certificate number of the energy-saving standard casting process record and the validity period of the certificate must be consistent with the "Government Procurement List of Energy-saving Products", otherwise it will be regarded as invalid response. 3. The products listed in the energy-saving directory include energy-saving products that are mandatory to be purchased first by the government. Among them, desktop computers, laptops, tablet computer, laser printers, stylus printer, liquid crystal displays, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, ballast, air conditioner, electric water heater, general lighting ballast fluorescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, general lighting double end TV equipment, video monitoring equipment of digital hard disk video recorder, monitor, TV wall (splicing display), a display, toilet, faucet and so on. 1. Environmental labeling products are determined according to the new government procurement list of environmental labeling products published by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environmental Protection. 2. If the product is environmental protection product, it must be filled in item by item according to the prescribed format, otherwise it will not be approved in the grading. 3. Provide the screenshot of the government procurement list of the new environmental label products with the official seal of the supplier, otherwise it will not be approved in the grading. 1. The government procurement of mandatory energy-saving products shall be carried out in accordance with the government procurement list of energy-saving castable nylon products published by the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission. 2. The product model, certificate number of energy saving mark and validity period filled in this form must be consistent with the "Government Procurement List of Energy Saving Products", otherwise it will be regarded as invalid response.




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        contact:13906600566 (Mr.CAI)


        Address: No. 215, Dongzhao Road, Daxu Industrial Zone, Xiangshan, Ningbo

        Copyright ? http://www.mojthem.com/en/ Xiangshan Chuangyi metal products Co., Ltd Specializing inAluminum alloy casting mold, aluminum alloy gravity casting, aluminum alloy low pressure casting,Welcome to inquire!